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Waterproofing and Drainage Systems for the Kansas City Area

WaterproofingIn serving the Kansas City area over the years, one thing that we know is that water is one of the biggest enemies to Kansas City area homes and businesses. If you do not have the proper interior and exterior drainage installed around your home or business, water can build up around the foundation causing seepage and leaks. Having a wet basement or crawlspace can lead to wood rot, damp and musty odors, bug and pest infestations and more. Having a wet basement can actually cause health problems for those living or working in the space as well.

What is Involved in Waterproofing?

Waterproofing your home often consists of a combination of crack repair/epoxy injection, foundation sealant, waterproofing membranes, MiraDRAIN, HLM5000, drain tile systems, french drain systems, and grading all depending on your foundation’s personal needs. Waterproofing is essential in many cases to the health of the foundation of your home. With the correct waterproofing system you can help prevent foundation problems and keep your basement or crawl space clean and healthy.

We Offer Sump Pump Installations as Well

We offer all a full range of waterproofing options to fit your needs and your budget. If you are seeing water problems in your basement, we can install sump pumps as well. We offer primary and backup sump pumps solutions in the Kansas City area. Contact us today for a free estimate.

sump pump

Call Today for a Free Estimate!

Dale Morgan: (913) 208-7314
Our Office: (913) 893-6006

No matter what your needs are, we will be happy to quote on your foundation, mudjacking or concrete project.

Call us any day of the week to schedule a time for your free consultation.